Δευτέρα 10 Δεκεμβρίου 2018


...ελληνικά σε αγγλικά

ποίηση Βασίλη Λαλιώτη

As of child in the poem
they punished me to bring the bitter of the actual
up to the tongue
with a shadow of underworld's vocabulary
And I was streching my neck to the angels at middays
shoesless in the courtyards
to extend something less of blood
with an unwritten workbook on my knees
and the distant feasts of children
The beautiful girl along by me crosswise
two summers dead by now.

already dead off two summers 

off two summers dead already


 and thus it happened
that I began to fill all her space: leaving


and shall happen to cry again, like then
when hanging by the legs from the midwife's plies
and with the grease of paradise still stuck on the skin
a brown mosaic- the first heaven  and the first air
the centre of mind irritaded by dioxide
World, world, through the forst mobility of crying, the fate


there will be tears to wash away
the marbles of all the names
and even the little boy's anger
 will be softened under the shadow
of a good-natured father
there will be love's endings for him to remember
the wild animal's pain which been caught
under the trap and planes its leg to get free
he will realize the meaning of the empty husk
of the snail // but you know
there is no way to one to unload the pain
belonging to him in the world except talking
and joyance has a bitter root of spoken pain
thus I wish you words of truth
until this point that anger is far away
from "anything's gonna be allright" and as fragile we bend
by way of fortitude of death towards life.

[ thus I wish you words of truth
until this point that anger is far away
from "everything's gonna be alright" and  as fragile we bend
as and by way of fortitude of death towards life.]

All the ways are full of fathers
according the way women love them.

απόδοση ασημίνα λαμπράκου
το 2017

© Assimina

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